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Cheap Flights to Kigali

Kigali - the heart of the country both politically and geographically, and few visitors to Rwanda can pass through without spending some time in the city known as the Singapore of Africa. The nickname is not without reason, for Kigali has developed into an organized and forward-thinking city characterized by lawns, flower beds and modern construction. It has even become a popular spot for long-term travellers who enjoy a culture heavy on up-market restaurants, coffee shops and boutique stores. It is unsurprising, perhaps, to learn that this city is distinctly Western in its appearance, far removed from the designs associated with a classic African city.
Alternatively, look beyond the city limits and explore the wealth of wildlife in the surrounding hills. Rwanda is home to gorillas, elephants and giraffes, as well as zebras, leopards, and crocodiles. It also boasts the largest montane forest in central Africa, Nyungwe National Park, where visitors can become acquainted with thirteen different species of monkey. The park also offers a host of trails excellent for both hiking and biking.

For Unpublished Cheap Flight Deals, Call Us On 0204-529-2323

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