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Cheap Flights to Bolivia

Planning to fly to Bolivia? Beware as it is travelling back in time - to a phase of time where Incas was in power and mostly indigenous languages were only spoken by people. However, Incas left a long time ago, and so has the Spaniards, but the mark they have left on the city is noticeable and far beyond extinct. Renowned as the world’s 28th biggest country, Bolivia possesses double the land area as that of Texas. Nestled right in the centre of South America, this city shared borders with Paraguay, Brazil, Chile and Peru. But being deprived of breathtaking beach locations like its neighbours, its striking varied landscapes and suitable climate makes up for it.
Tourists can make the most of their exploration of Bolivia through the lush rainforests surrounding the country and the huge peaks of the Andes, offering active explorers with a whole slew of outdoor pursuits to them engaged. From the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni to the bustling La Paz, Bolivia offers everything to give quite an adventure to its tourists. There are numerous tourist attractions that provide a wealth of once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences, such as Madidi National Park, Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos, Yungas Road, Reserva Eduardo Avaroa, Cerro Rico (Potosi), Sucre, Oruro Carnival (just before Ash Wednesday), Lake Titicaca, Tiwanaku and Salar de Uyuni.

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